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Europe at a Crossroads

Europe at a Crossroads

Europe at a Crossroads

Europe at a Crossroads. A multiple-author monograph edited by Dr C. T. Szyjko

Table of contents



Chosen Management Trends in Modern Economy

Chapter 1.

Mária Antošová, Adriana Csikósová

The knowledge management – the modern trends in organizational development

Introduction the knowledge management and when did the originate?

1. Knowledge management levels

2. How to apply the knowledge management in praxis?

3. Knowledge culture as a base for the knowledge management



Chapter 2.

Andrzej Nowak, Ireneusz Nowak

A taxable person’s legal safety in interactions with tax apparatus in the light of Polish legislation


1. The tax law and its interfering nature

2. Protection of a taxable person’s rights– chosen aspects



Chapter 3.

Cezary Tomasz Szyjko

Challenges of the management of perspective skale gas sector in Poland


1. The technical background

2. Technological challenges

3. The environmental impact

4. Hydraulic fracturing risks

5. Safety recommendations



Chapter 4.

Eva Bolfíková

From regulation to complexity (the examples of administrative systems)


1. Possibilities and impossibilities of bureaucracy

2. Sources of intelligent administration

3. Focus and sources of complexity

4. Administrative system as a complex adaptive system

5. Knowledge of organizational complexity




Drive for Contemporary Innovations

and their Consequences

Chapter 5.

Daniela Hrehová, Michal Cehlá

Trends in the financing of innovation


1. Theoretical reflection on venture capital

2. Venture capital market analysis in Slovakia

3. The results of venture capital market research in Slovakia

4. Practical implications



Chapter 6.

Cezary Tomasz Szyjko

The importance of aerospace innovations


1. ASP-a space object or an aircraft?

2. Schools of ASP legal characterisation

3. The problem of delimitation in outer space

4. Functional approach

5. Characteristic flying properties of objects

6. Applicability of functional approach



Chapter 7.

Pavel Michal

Ipel Basin as a part of South Slovak Corridor Region


1. Central Slovak Barrier

2. Ipel Basin as a part of the corridor system

3. North-Southern orientation



Chapter 8.

Nina Stepnicka,

Paulina Wiaczek

From virtual auctions to real business transaction and social

contacts – analysis of social behaviour on the example of auction site and its users


1. History and Origins of auction site

2. Off-line user’s meetings as a factor determining real dimension of trading and social contacts

3. Wikinomics and prosumption on the on-line auction site




Challenges and Barriers to Education for Sustainable


Chapter 9.

Władimir Chodinow, Andriy Sitovs’kyi, Igor Savchuk

Adolescents’ somatic development in accordance with biological

growth rate


1. Stages of secondary development

2. Somatic developmentwithin studens



Chapter 10.

M. Kuzmina, M. M. Filippov, V. N. Ilyin, W. Chodinow

Correlation of finswimmers’ stability to hypoxia and variatons

of encountered genes


1. Genotyping sportsmens

2. Distribution of individual genes



Chapter 11.

Alla Aleshina, Anastasia Aleshina, Anton Aleshin, Wladimir Chodinow

Theoretical aspects of posture of schoolchildren

in physical education


1. Relationship with important scientific applications

2. Statics of a person

3. Formation of correct posture

4. The basic principles of posture



Chapter 12.

Nina Stepnicka

The idea of „Buy and Sell in your Neighbourhood” in local

Commercial shopping sites and the concept of „Smart City”


1. On-line shopping and its reflection in the concept of „Smart City”

2. „Buy and Sell in your Neighbourhood” as a new model

3. as an example of on-line shopping service



Chapter 13.

Hadi Nasser Al-Hajri

Turkey and European Union at a crossroads


1. Reasons made by some European Countries to oppose Turkey accretion to EU

2. Reasons make Turkey to join the EU

3. The international position



Academic annexes

A. Educational project description

B. Academic course description

C. Law Center description

D. Chosen case law of the EU courts



From the beginning, the European Union had a clear objective: to permanently consolidate peace in Europe after two of the bloodiest wars in history. This was supplemented after the fall of communism with a second priority: to become an economic power capable of counterbalancing America’s growing dominance. The current state of Europe, however, has sparked a fierce debate on just how well the economy is really doing in comparison to other global actors – and whether Europe can continue to compete and maintain its generous welfare state. Thoughtprovoking, expertly researched, and brilliantly evaluated, „Europe at a Crossroads” presents the most informed discussion on the current and future state of Europe’s economy.

The book is focused on perspectives of the European integration process in this decade, taking the current political and economic crisis of the EU into account. The chapters cover a wide range of topics ranging from the Central European economies to energy security and climate change issues. This volume, produced within UJK Research Field activities and edited by dr Cezary Szyjko, collects a series of essays, case studies and analyses exploring diverse European perspectives on interdisciplinary relations between European countries. Almost twenty international scholars and practitioners from seven European countries discuss cross-domain partnerships, cultural identity and political dialogue, heritage for sciences, European migration and mobility, and describe real-life case studies.

As Europe moves toward an integrated academic system, European economics is changing. This book discusses that change, along with the changes that are happening simultaneously within the economics profession. The authors argue that modern economics can no longer usefully be described as ‚neoclassical’, but is much better described as complexity economics. The complexity approach embraces rather than assumes away the complexities of social interaction. While the authors agree that European economics needs to go through major changes in the coming decade, they argue that by building on Europe’s strengths, Europe will be more likely to become the global leader in economics in the coming decades. This fascinating and easy-to-read book will prove a stimulating and thought-provoking read for those with an interest in economics as well as politics, European education, and the nature of academic disciplines generally.

Written by most well-known and respected scientists, „Europe at a Crossroads” analyzes whether the EU is fulfilling its economic and social targets, outlining in a simple and understandable way the main issues facing the EU today and in the future. Drawing upon the recent official data and literature, authors seek solutions for Europe by deep analusis of its current situation and revealing how much more can be achieved in the areas of efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Authors document the EU’s persistent economic underperformance in recent decades and examines the cause of its slower growth. They then presents a comprehensive blueprint of reforms for increased prosperity and deeper social cohesion, which addresses:

− The main economic challenge facing the EU: the impact of aging on public expenditures

− How to enrich the EU’s policy and institutional environments to enhance business conditions for existing firms and new entrepreneurial activities

− Necessary structural reforms–welfare state, labor and product markets

− Fostering a knowledge society though increased investments in R&D and higher education

− The difficulties in implementing the Lisbon Strategy (major strategic goals for improving the EU’s economic efficiency) and methods for meeting those challenges

− Challenges and barriers to education for sustainable development.

Cezary Tomasz Szyjko (editor)

21 marca 2013 Posted by | Stosunki międzynarodowe | , , , | Dodaj komentarz